Monday, November 22, 2010

A Punny Thing happened on the way to this Website.

On browsing the Internet I came across this interesting gem. A Site called Fan Boys of the Universe which has a feature featuring pictures of fanboys, the equivalent of Naked Firefighter Calendars for the Dungeon and Dragons crowd.

Being that I'm still unfortunately emotionally 12 I couldn't help but come up with some "try hard" fandom related Innuendo that would make the most Awesome/You will be Alone Forever pickup lines:

Why don't you come over here and help me “Level Up” my “Sword”

Soulja Boy ain't the only one who can “Superman” a Ho !!

The Force is strong in your pants.

I want to fit my Lightsaber into your TARDIS and have a crossover

Are those Pym Particles in your pants or are you just glad to see me

Some Phasers are bigger than others.......

Lets Go back to my Bat Cave and you can pretend to be Robin......

I want to Kamehameha that ass! (.....Yeah....I don't even know what I was thinking. As soon as the words came out I was like "WTF is wrong with you!!" to myself.)

But past my immature mind, the FBOTU video showcases a diverse good looking group of guys who also happen to be Geeks. Enjoy

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