Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Domestic Dan, Gay Pirates and Cosmo

Once every while, you come across someone, whose energy and talent, makes you realize what a lazy bum you are. Once every while for me, is more frequent than I would like to give a numerical value to. This time however I'm enthused it's happened, because it has introduced me to a favorite new talent, Cosmo Jarvis.

Cosmo Jarvis is a short filmmaker/actor/musician/professional oddball, whose songwriting and short films, reveal a quirky, creative energy, thats absolutely a joy to encounter. As one of his new Stan's here are a sampling of some of work I found particularly enjoyable.


A.KA. What happens when a lady falls for the mushy romantic“Lets move in together” routine, before doing a background check.


A song about the GF getting in between her boyfriend and his longterm friendships.


A Frustrated Hitchhiker shares his frustration while revealing he's kind of a prick.


Probably his most popular song, It's enjoyed accolades from everyone from actor Stephen Fry to Brian Eno. Despite a name that opens it up to frat humor, It's a brutal yet at the same time sweet and beautiful song. Not going to lie I teared up a few times listening to it.

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