Friday, November 5, 2010

Real McCoy

Back in the Day when I first came to America, Sunday nights were ammunition for Monday mornings. That was because on Sunday nights "In Living Color" would come on and in order to get the jokes and converse on Monday mornings with my classmates I had to make it a part of my childhood diet like Crybabies and sunflower seeds.

Unbeknown to me across the pond in the U.K. people were tuning into “The Real McCoy” their "Sunday Night" ammunition.

I got introduced to "The Real McCoy" a few years back when I came across this piece that combined my Jamaican and nerd heritage into one funny skit, "Jamaican Doctor Who"

The comparison between the two was inevitable in my mind. both shows were a showcase for black culture in their own countries (Afro American culture with Living Color and West Indian, West African and South Asian Culture with The Real McCoy) and both provided images that me as a black person got.

It wasn't "Cotton Club" images that were basically reproducing black stereotypes for a white audience to laugh at. it was the inside joke that many black viewers got and like me I suspect they laughed hilariously at these jokes.

From the little bit I understand about British Culture and this show it was highly popular however it has never been released on DVD unlike a lot of the BBC's other popular shows. Fortunately due to the magic of taping episodes to VHS and then uploading them to Youtube, many of the skits from the show are still available for viewing.


(2 South Asians who have been setup in a Arranged Marriage meet, and run game on each other.)



Devil's Advocate


(As Much as I wish I couldn't relate, I've so had this conversation.)

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