Recently saw Glee for the first time (Don't Judge Me !!!) and while I enjoyed the show, and will watch the second season, I got issues with it.
The best way to put my issue is that the cast of Glee isn't anything like the cartoon Magic School Bus,
A friend and me where having a conversation a couple of years ago about childhood cartoons and she said one of the things she always appreciated about Magic School Bus was that they gave all the kids different personalities and didn't go with stereotypes. They weren't just the black kid, or the Asian girl, or the redhead they all had individual personalities, something which Glee lacks.
There is a lot about the show to like the musical numbers are fun, (Artie the kid in the wheel chair version of "Dancing With Myself" is classic)

It has great moments like the relationship between Kurt and his Dad. Finn not being the sharpest tool in the shed but still being one of the most good natured characters on television. Brittney's and Santana's little end of season WTF reveal, etc etc. But it really bothered me how the show depended so much on stereotypes for the "minority" characters.
Other than Artie's "Very Special" Episode no personality/non stereotypical personality are mapped out for any of the not so beautiful and white kids. Tina barely gets any lines, not to mention that she and another character Mike Chang (who both have the same last names without being related.) are both referred to as Asian and Other Asian both in show and by fans.
Don't get me started on Mercedes!! Love the actress, love the singing but such a stereotypical character. The hair raises on the back of my neck whenever she opens her mouth.
For a show where a lot of the cast is supposed to represent the loser squad in high school, almost all the screen time goes to the popular white kids. Nothing against Finn, or Puck or any of the other characters who I actually enjoy but just wish that the show made better use of its ensemble.
Will check out the second season, Hopefully they fix this problem.
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