Monday, April 26, 2010

Johnny Come Lately Post: Video Game Rap Music Post

So last week on Kotaku they were discussing a Pittsburgh Rapper by the name of Wiz Khalifa sampling Schala's Theme, music from Chrono Trigger a popular old school video game.
So of course this opened up the flood gates and people began posting songs that highlighted the Rap video game connection.

Here are a few of my faves that I found.

I got the Star Baby !!! you mushrooms and punk ass turtles better move the @#$% out of my way !

U -N -I kills the Castlevania beat

For all The Ole School heads welcome to your roots

I could imagine a 7 year old playing this and then Jay Z comes on as soon as their parents enter the room. Hilarity ensues


Soulja Boy ain't that goddamn epic !!! WTF !?! Though to be fair Seppiroth being Soulja Boy's true form would explain a lot.

And much props to these guys who have done two albums of video game/rap mashups for your listening pleasure

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