Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya Carlford Wadley

K so there was this one summer where in the course of 48 hours I :

Got Dumped (Rejected is more appropriate but lets be kind to me its my story)

Lost Computer

TV Broken.

Bill Collectors using my name like it was going out of style and riding me like a Camel.

And lets not get into the dietary choices that poverty forces you to make.

All of this marked one of the worst times in my life This Summer is shaping up to be a sequel. And hopefully without sounding too Emo here is the update on my life aka Misery 2” More Misery.

Due to a situation involving a scumbag of a former roommate, I'm back to being the guy on the couch, which is a punch line to a few friends but a line that always feels like a punch to me. Despite a few years of responsibility and paying rent on time, fortune has placed me back into punchline status.

As Always my love life will be making a Guest appearance Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster, things they say might exist but most people are highly doubtful.

Cannot figure out what wrong with me. Allegedly I'm supposed to be attractive, a allegation that my mantra of “I'm alone not lonely” while clicking red sneakers together a la Dorothy does nothing to support.

I hate getting that bored dispassionate look across my face and nowadays that is becoming more and more difficult.

So here is to another summer of salt for me. Hopefully the Taste won't last long.

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