So Came Across this Book at Work Today and all I could think when I read the Description was "For Real Though, Harlequin Romance meets New Jack City. Nino Brown in a Fabio Pose with some Random Crack Whore was what they really wanted to go for !!!"
I'll Let the Book Description Speak for itself:
In the Beginning, there was a drug dealer named Smoke, and Breanne Phillips was one of his most faithful customers. She was smoking crack to block out an existence she couldn't escape from, and Smoke was hungry enough to take anything she had to offer in exchange for his magic rocks. It was a mutually satisfying arrangement, one he forgot about as soon as he got out of the game, dropped the nickname Smoke, and started answering to the name Alec.
Fast-forward sixteen years, and Breanne Phillips is back in his life. These days she's a businesswoman who goes by the name Anne. She's dragging a sixteen year old hoodlum behind her, claiming Alec is the boy's father and demanding that he straighten out their son.
As if dealing with an unwelcome ghost for his past isn't enough, his son is mixed up in the kind of foolishness Alec is all too familiar with, which means he'll have to step in and rearrange some things. A door opens, and Smoke is suddenly back on the scene, ready to put some heads to bed, including Anne's. After that, he'll deal with the son he never knew he had.