So I was watching Oklahoma The Wolverine.... I mean London Stage Revival with Hugh Jackman version a few nights back, reacquainting myself with something I haven't seen since I was really young.
One portrayal that struck me was Jud. Shuler Hensley the actor gives the character a certain empathy by giving you the feeling that a lot of Jud's actions are guided by great loneliness and desperation. This same loneliness and desperation makes him menacing and dangerous. While watching Jud trying to court Laurey in a manner that makes him come across as a Borderline Rapist I couldn't help but think of this Meme.

This Meme which shows some poor guy trying his best to look sexy but coming across as someone you'd be leery of in a dark alley, or in daylight, or in a public setting, is a very apt description of Jud's behavior throughout Oklahoma. While Jud never crosses that event boundary from menacing and Rapist like to actual Rapist, Other Fictional Characters unfortunately cross this line in some of the most psychotic and menacing ways possible.

Surprised ? This character and the reaction of other characters from Farscape towards her completely averts the It's not Rape if its a Woman Trope. Equipped with special Pheromones that make her a walking Biological Roofie, she drugs protagonist John Crichton rendering him incapable of saying no or doing much of anything. and has sex with him against his will as part of her seduction/interrogation. Furthermore she aptly and quickly showed in addition to Rape she had no problem ordering or personally doing Murder and other foul deeds to get her goals.
Schillinger. J.K. Simmons the actor who played Schillinger is a wonderful actor, probably a decent human being and has played a variety of roles including the cantankerous owner of the Daily Bugle J Jonah Jameson. But his role on Oz made me feel like shouting “Run Spidey Before you get Raped”when I watched the Spiderman Movies.
His character was literally a checklist of “You ain't @#$%” characteristics.
NAZI: check.
MURDERER: check.
Perhaps in one of his most heinous acts (Besides his constant Rape and mental and physical abuse of Tobias Beecher which including forcing him to rip him pictures of his family and branding a Swastika on Beecher's ass.) he tricked Mentally challenged Cyril O'Reilly into follwing him into a supply closet where he raped him.
Echoing the Sentiments of the “Let's Not Turn this Rape into a Murder Meme”, almost exactly, is Tessai, a Villain in the Ninja Scroll Movie. His exact words are, “I have no problem raping a dead girl.” Uttered while assaulting Kagero a female ninja.
In a “Look at your Life, Look at your choices” moment, we discover that Kagero's entire body is poison He probably shouldn't have Tried to Rape a someone whose entire body is poisonous to the touch. This act helps seal his fate in a battle with Jubei the hero of the story.
One Internet commenter once said of hearing the song “Hellfire”, that he almost expected Judge Frollo to start touching himself in the middle of it. While that might seem inappropriate for a Disney movie, in Truth, not too much about Judge Frollo is appropriate for Life, much less a Disney movie. If he had a pick-up line in a Bar it would be, “Hey Babe Sleep with me or I'll go all Final Solution on you and your Ethnic Group.” This is literally what he tries to do to the Gypsies/Roma of Paris, because of his unrequited crush on Esmeralda.